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Moonbeam Girl Scholarship

Moonbeam Girl is proud to share the stories of girls that have received the Moonbeam Girl Scholarship

2024 - Kiara


Yale University
Major: Physics and Philosophy


"If physics has taught me anything so far, it's that toddlers are always right, because they never stop asking why. It’s made me question things as seemingly straightforward as walking and as complicated as the flow of time. Science has shown me the power of discovery, that we can push the limits of knowledge and teach information tomorrow that we didn’t know about today. Which is why it’s so meaningful to me that the Moonbeam Girls decided to support me in my pursuit of S.T.E.M. They are currently helping me on my path of discovery in a monumental way, but they’ve been inspiring me since their founding. Seeing a group of young women make change in a field where they represent a minority in both age and gender showed me that I could also impact the world no matter my circumstance. I am incredibly honoured and grateful that the Moonbeam Girls, some of my role models in S.T.E.M, chose me for their scholarship. I can’t wait to join them in pushing the limits of knowledge and demographics as I pursue a degree in Physics and Philosophy."

2023 - Ava

Colorado School of Mines
Major: Physics Engineering

"The Moonbeam Girls were gracious enough to give me their scholarship for 2023, the moment I found out my mom and I broke down crying. The money itself was monumental for me and my family, but also the idea that these talented, smart, funny young women chose me was unfathomable. When I was younger I never knew engineering was an option for me, I didn’t know anything about it, I was always pushed toward soft sciences instead. I am so proud of our community that there is now a group of such strong girls leading the charge for women in S.T.E.M. everywhere, I know that I would have loved to be a Moonbeam girl if I was younger. These girls inspire me everyday and keep me working towards my physics degree, I look forward to the day I work with them in the S.T.E.M. field."
~ Ava

2022 - Sarah

University of Hawaii
Double Major: Public Health and Sociology


"Finding out I was the first recipent of the Moonbeam Girl Scholarship for women and their pursuit of STEM degrees was one of my greatest honors of my high school career. To know that a group of young women worked tirelessly to eliminate and break down barriers for women to pursue their passions in STEM is commendable. They aided me on my journey to the pursuit of two bachlors degrees and continue to make strides forward in providing scholarships for more women. I am grateful to Moonbeam Girls and all that they have done for me and for future women in STEM to come."

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